i haven't ice skated in A LONG time! just dont get the time to go there...the place where we have a rink here is really far from my place..and me and friends don't hangout there!
but i skate jst near my place..roller blades! its so awesome! but i hurt my legs..and dad aint allowing anymore

haha but ive made a deal wt him

thers jst one rink here...they're gna make another one..duno when..n by that time i wont b here so i dont really care

sorry mony-i thought u live in egypt itself! KSA is not too far from Oman u know

...this place is super cool...u guys should come over..ring me up when you do...hahaha!!!
naeem- i don't know how to swim!

..i'm always on the verge of drowning when i go bd and get down in the ponds