@OT, the only one who wants a football team is YOU.

You mentioned it a lot before.
A football for me? You trying to kill me? I can't have all those numbers of children

Not more than 4-5 MAX. Although 2-3 would be alright.
@Crooked, nopes. This time it was not dark chocolate. =P Be a part of my family and I will teach you how to clean. =] Not a big deal though

Oh come on, I do not spam =[ I post a lot in other boards, like lounge, issue discussion, latest news etc etc. I can see my own stats. =P But Thanks anyways talkative person. =] Hope you reach 1000 soon.
17 Again, well I see no reason for LOVING Zac Effron and I see no reason for hating him. He is just an actor which I might watch his movie soon. =] I did not like High School Musical at all though, just watched part 1 but did not watch the rest.
I like Jonny Depp, a man who I enjoy watching his movies big time. Also Orlando Bloom is very good.