la ya baba...shoof gamhoor Maser...ba3den we dopnt need u..aslan we are 75 million...2ad kol el other countris ma3 ba3ad...
bad kolo is with eGYPTY...mafeesh ghair bas el magharab el 3arabi eli ma3a alegeria
bas bel mo5 keda...Africa will be with Egypt...bel mo5 keda ya3ni 
Dudette, the entire continent was depressed when you won the ANC in 06 and we almost committed mass suicide when you won it on 08!
In the Confeds Cup all the Africans rooted for SOuth Africa, then Brazil when South Africa went out rotf
and as i said, the arabs were backing egypt more than algeria, but after the geepo fans went loony, everyone who needed an excuse to be aginst y went against ya