Omer..his campaign is going good..i mean did u check his group in FB? many fans...
and dude why would he lie? he deserves to be there..he is an A* student....respectful and a good person.
I dont know why...u and ur friends are against him..he is a clean person.
cuz it dounds better coming from someone other than me, yalla ya5tyl ra'3yya, malik sakkatti delwa2ti manti konti 3malali Suda3 lamma 23oozik tijri ba3eed ya3ny walla shino?!

man sherri you dont know the guy
theres more to life than getting Astars and whatnot
and as i said, hes being waaay too unrealistic
the facebook group, go read the comments, ppl r just either taunting him or just accepted the invitations, and its school elections wussa point of having a facebook group, what really counts is your speech to the students
yes he gota a few supporters but the others got more, why? cuz the others are being realistic, they aint promising to take manaratis outa saudi, or to make debates somewhere in the US or whatnot, they promisin realistic things, more fun days, better communication with staff, etc