oh yeah, lol..
I think they sold it to some Lebanese people.
I have to say, that they aint got no facilities- but the people there, and the unity are amazing

nah its another Saudi businessman
he totally ruined the school, honestly
the facilities in Jeddah are messed up, we joked about it all the tyme

but in MARS it was less embarassing
teachers standards have dropped sharply, unqualified teachers are becoming common now
and about the "average MARSian student", well, s/he is a wannabe gangsta who wishes s/he was black (if he wasnt) and is obsessed about the opposite gender
united they may be, but you can see them, one student to ther other, there are no bonds of brotherhood, people are not spontaneous over there, except for very few people
overall, ther're only 2-4 ppl i would like to stay in touch with after i move on, but this entire memory of not just manarat but Riyadh as a whole, is one memory i am planning to never look back upon