New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
hahahaha..Yea..Sanity also does it..and Q80 OMG Q80 DOES IT A LOT!! I feel like going and screaming at him LoL! Omer.."I'll Be Watching You"
ahahaha...its rude actually ...its like people saying "pfffffft do i have to answer her? okay ill do it pfffffft" Omer...haha...I watch everyone also..u have no idea what is going on in my mind...very spoooky..freaky *whispers* Get scared!
what are u doing here?!!!!yalla PM!!
i did to both of you
Yea Right !! Roxy u know what he said to me? "Hello Sherri Wassup"I swear Omer ill kill u..!!!!Roxy dont reply to any of his pms if its abt me!!