Yea time for Sa7oor..i already ate,,bas ya3ni i have to be sitting with my "Mami" n "Sister" for some time...they feel bored without me hahahaah *Jokes*

so..wat u doing? u fasting right??
i drank some water, then bout 15mins later i felt a little thirsty so i went to drink some water and the second i picked up the cup it adan 
u have 1 sister sa7? the oldest one?
ur jokes amuze me 
ahahahahah...i feel bad for u!! hahaha..ma3leshi ma3leshi yallah fadel 3ala el fatoor 14 hours kaman..soon soon..haha

Yes nd my sister is 20....then me..16..then my brother 8..
nd now my mom came to my room....but she left again..
My mom is having a very good sense of humor...
wat bt u?? meen wl popular in ur family??
ba3den my jokes r i better be
