@3boud ...wallah read my Juza of Quran..read some stuff..prayed nd said Azkar..thats all after Iftar..n watched some TV...wat about u?
@Omer...ahhh Allah Akram...Ramadan Kareem to u too...how is Ramadan with u?? =)
ahh nice, i still havent read my 20 for today, so ill be doing it soon =]
what did u have for ftoor? ( i have nothing else to say
ahhh tyb..bas matkasalshi ha?? ya3ni the sooner u read them the better it is...it took me 40 mins i guess...
and loool....well for fatoor...chicken (again)..Ferakh Baniah (Again)..Rozz(Again)...Salad (Again) ...didnt really cook sumthin new...wat a simple family we r
wat abt u??
...hey enta betaba3a ai haga 3ala el TV?? nd when will skool start exactly for u?
haha today we had ftoor at home, sambosa, rozz, jaaaaaaj, and lots of other stuff that i didnt eat, and mhalabiya, u know that?
yea the sooner the better, so ill read 10 in a few mins then 10 before i sleep.
on tv i watch bab il 7ara, it started yesterday but couldnt see todays episode

school starts in 6 days on sunday