@ aboode : ur scool is in a week ??
how depressing fe3lan ..
y is it soo early ?? our scools n riyadh starts after eid ..
& i dnt go to scool .. so
ask astar bout wat u should do .. akeed he knws best ..
or, dnt u hve ny older brothers or sisters ?? if u do, ask'em ..
@ zainy : we hve five mre hours here n egypt ..
its nt much .. (& u guys hve 2 or 3 hrs left .. lol )
heey roxy .. whats wit the hyperness ??
ive asked alot of ppl that question and they all have different opinions, its likely that i do IB, our school should also start after eid but they never listen to the law, i try to call the ministry but they never answer -.-
and roxy its nice to see u again, we are all good =]