I listen to only Music..most of the time..No lyrics 
i got Safri Duo Bond and Nightiwsh
oh and Beethoven i downloaded but never actually listenned lol
No all the people I listen to are Chinese..lol..
bas..wallah this music..makes me..feel loadzzz of stuff..
nd I just knew..from some days that Beethoven doesnt hear or talk..wow!! 
lol yea! thas wut makes his talent the most undisputed talent in any field!
ther're lots of other musical greats like Bach and Mozart, but hes the most known because hes the only one who was basically disabled
lots of legends are appreciated for things that aint realli having to do with their job, like DaVinci, who was more of a scientist/engineer is more known for drawing some weird painting about a lady who truns out to be only half a lady! (read DaVinci code)
oh and bye zainy, me is gonna leave in a bit too, bin too quiet today