Qualification > Miscellaneous

Arts n Design

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--- Quote from: pisecs on August 31, 2009, 02:04:00 pm ---well~ i got a B! i was so shocked cuz i was so confident that i could get at least an A!!
here are my works:
this is the fashion design, i chose the logo design and this is the final work on the tshirt
this is my final work on the observational study

--- End quote ---

dude these paintings are like Awesoomee...

i would have given u an A or A* ;D

Ghost Of Highbury:
me too..

sameer hasnt uploaded them dude..!

i know...
i want him to upload them..

upload wha ? :S

hos caricatures and paintings.. they are supposed to be the best in our skul..
good collection


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