Qualification > Miscellaneous

Arts n Design

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--- Quote from: shreyapril on September 02, 2009, 02:36:26 pm ---hos caricatures and paintings.. they are supposed to be the best in our skul..
good collection

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aha nice...yall in same skool..
n wow...best in skoll...gotta see em!


--- Quote from: eddie_adi619 on September 02, 2009, 02:41:36 pm ---yes!
we r'all from the same school

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thtz awesome ;D


--- Quote from: ~Am~ on August 31, 2009, 02:13:31 pm ---me too..

sameer hasnt uploaded them dude..!

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these are the 1's i got from my FB account..

ur's is really gud, i expected it to get more...
damn this about the candidate who got a 100%, or who might be a global topper,  :o


--- Quote from: zzZzaaInnYy on August 31, 2009, 02:13:01 pm ---
dude these paintings are like Awesoomee...

i would have given u an A or A* ;D

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i wen to the link and saw the drawings (enlarged), i think now that u got wat u deserve, the shirt which u  drew was too plain, if u could have added any abstract paint work in it, that would have got u good grades, the second painting is good, but the mixing of the colors could have been much better, may be this is wat made u get lower marks...

Ghost Of Highbury:
which link?


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