There are those who scold me for not studying , there are others who get hurt cuz I forgot about getting online and talking to them every Friday evening , there are those who want me to watch their show and I constantly forget about it , and there are my ideas that I want to implement , and there are the life decisions that I have no clue about till NOW !! , and there are the horrible exams to prepare for , and there is the what I call "dress stress" for the prom night as well as the graduation itself , there is the friends that I got to keep in touch with cuz I don't wanna lose them

, there is a WHOLE LOT of commitments , and there is the me who thinks what the heck , just do it {deactivating every account I have online} but once again get scolded by friends -.- , teachers not being considerate at all , the Fear from Arabic ministry exam cuz turns out that it ain't EASY AT ALL -.- which is the only reason I wish I was a NON-Arab right now 'sigh' .... Too many to be counted *deep sigh*
there is a whole lot but too personal to mention

How can you expect a Human being having more thoughts that these in her head ,almost 24/7 , to survive for even a pica second of the day ?
Ya Allah help me <3
*deep breath* ... okay so Hmm so I'll firstly do the *logs out and goes over the endless to-do-list for this week*