New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
^ The picture, so true! No more exams
That's me when I am studying. I spend more time with food than my books. Aw, luck you! I am so happy for you! Enjoyyyyyyy.
Same I've put on so much weight due to these exams Aww Yay Doing so
Oh, honey. Trust me, no one understands that BETTER than me! I gained like 'x' (won't mention how much ) during my AS and A2 year.I used to eat like crazy. I suggest you keep the eating habit moderate and start exercising at least 3/4 times every week. What's next ? AS ?
Even I've gained oodles of weight this time..I used to eat like crazy - & mostly only junk & fattening food..God, its so tough fighting the craving now too Yes, I've joined a dance class - its six times a week. And its awesome 'cause I love dancing and it'll help me lose weight too. Yes! That's why i'm trying to enjoy as much as I can before that
Aw, I know whatcha mean! The carving is the worst of all.Uni had a different effect on me I haven't eaten proper for almost 2 weeks now. I dunno why. I sleep throughout the day and at night ... I have coffee only.I didn't even eat my burger yesterday! Can you believe that ? Aw, that's amazing. Enjoyment and benefits! When are starting ?
Exactly Hmm..omg how could you say no to a burger Yup Jan
Stupid uni has messed up with my head. And, now when I suppose to be studying for my tomorrow's Chemistry exam ... I am SFing. =,= *sigh*Aw. Edexcel ?
I guess that's what happens when you join Uni What're you doing, like which course? Aww come on, I know you'll do well. Nah, CIE..which one is tougher?
I am doing Dentistry. Insha Allah. If I get off this place. CIE doesn't have exams in Jan. CIE and Edexcel are both tough in their own way.
Lol Nah, I mean, my school's session for AS begins in Jan. Alright
What's lol about Dentistry ? Oh, exams in June ? Ain't that late ?