Whats the best thing ur parents ever gave to u .. Answer by the 1st thing that comes to ur mind .. ---> mm.... my celll phone.. DUH loll
Do u know how to skateboard/skate ?? If NO, would u like to learn ?? ----> nope.. nd ya i would luv to learn
Do u really get scared watching horror movies ?? If yes, name one that gave u the creeps .. ----> ya i get scared... but i try to laugh it out

hmm.. i dnt remember watching any scary movies lately..
Watermelon free of seeds or a small apple ?? watermelon xD
A person comes up to u n the street & tells u 'can u do me a favor??' .. ur thoughts ?? ----> aww man... buh i say ya sure..
First thing that comes to mind when i say 'madgascar' .. ----> tht animated movie...
Seriously, do u sometimes get so mad that if u were holding a gun, u'd shoot the person who pissed u off ?? Cuz in real life, i know pple who would .. (inspired by q80boy

) -----> ya lmaooo... i think soo.. buh i would feel sooo guilty later on..
Do u like watching fireworks ?? not anymore.. ppl around me get excited nd i get pissed of at em..
For pple who got elder sisters (in real-life of course), whats the nicest thing did she ever do to u ?? -----> no sistah..
Ever listened to elvis's song 'fever' ?? ---> nah.. is it gd so i shall lissen 2 it
Do u think obama will be upto his words or hez jst like most of the presidents be4 him ?? ----> who knowz... but i wish.. he does stick to his words...
Lets c what percentage of a group of pple can roll their tongues

.. So, can u ?? -----> roll as in.. ??
U think rules r made to be broken ?? & Name one rule u broke that gt u in trouble .. ----> me broke many rulez.... yea they r meant 2 be broken... and me never got in trouble (mashallah)
What do u think is the longest time u can stay at home alone ?? -----> as long as i want.. i like stayin home alone... but when i get boredit gives me the creeps
Ever learnt a word that u never knew the meaning of bt jst used ?? Whats the word ?? ---> nah
Ur 1st BAD impression of me !! (& am nt gonna comment on the answer to this q. by anyone .. moi promise) ----> hmm... hard 2 answer... haha ur my random triplet.. soo umm... i dnt like it when u speak french... loolll hahahaha if u want comment i dnt care

i kina hate french buh ya i understand it...
Imma give u a massage everyday for a month .. back or feet ?? ----> back
Look to ur right .. name 3 things u c .. ----> my bag.. chair.. and da dustbin ...
Whats a word u can think of starting with a 'T' ?? ----> Tea...
Can u imagine a world thumbing u up/down 4 everything u say ?? ----> nooo... buh nw ur makin me imagine it...
Right now, who would u slap on this forum ?? ---> who do u want me to sayy..?

haha maybe every1 because its deserted...
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Q. : What color is a giraffe's tongue ?? ----> pink..
(& the answer to the 'when was Nelson Mandela released from prison' q. was in 1991)