Do u really care bout ur # of posts or reps ??
lets say that i didnt look at them for the past week

What was the last thing u lost ur temper of ??
Someone who tried to ditch me (and he regretted it

Black or white balloons ??
Blue :p
Do u prefer pple saying things bout u n ur face or behind ur back ??
In my goddamned face, i dont like no cowards
Since ur bored, & answering my questions .. Write down the 'i love u' or 'i hate u' phrase ( pick one of the two) in all the languages u knw of .. DO NOT COPY OF THE NET, SO NO CHEATING !!
I hate you
Ya5y ana bakrahak
yea, thats it

U give up after how many trials ??
After i'm worn out
I tell u 'tell me a joke', so u do tell me a joke

.. nyways, what would the joke be ?? ( even if u have posted it smewhere on the forum, post it again here)
Knock knock
whos there
shut who
Shut the fu*k up

Guys, do u have any noticeable scars on ur body ??
i gota sword-shaped scar on my forehead (fractured my skull)
i also got straight scars under my left knee, my ryte knee, my ryte ankle, and one more fish-looking scar at my ribcage

oh, and how can i forget my vaccination scars

Ever fell asleep in public ?? (school doesnt count ofc .. lol )
Nopes, only at school airports, cars, etc
but not in a restaurent or a bowling alley or anything of that sort lol
Honestly, r u fun or boring ??
Am rarely boring, but not always fun, depends on my mood, but usually i am sarcastically funny (hey, at least people laugh with me and not at me)
K, did u ever play 'hide & seek' ?? If yes, when was the last time ??
yea duh, when i was 9!
Ever really put ice in some1z back ?? If yes, what did he/she do 2 u ??
Yea, all of my sibblings, and one cuzin, chased me, but never caught me

Whats ur hair color ??
Dark black (damn i wanna bleach-blonde it

What do u think of when i say 'dimples' ??

Can u guess what does my 'gth' stand 4 ??
great to hear
What year was Nelson Mandela released from prison ?? ( & AGAIN NO CHEATING .. ITS A GENEREAL KNOWLEDGE QUESTION )
sumwhere between 1993-96, but i think it was 93