Here we go :
If u can still survive, which would suck more, being stuck in the deep oceans or in outer-space ??
Deep ocean (i gota dry skin

Do u like sneezing ??
what? why will i ever?!
Do u like stretching ?? (the type when ur tired)
Tell me something random.
Tell me something random about urself.
My left body muscles are stronger than the right

Were u ever paranoid that someone can read ur mind ??
no one can

Do u find it hard not to laugh when someone walking in front of u falls or stumbles ??
No, i only laugh if its a pathetic lose or a friend of myne

Name one of ur pet-peeves ??
i take pet as in friends?
Saeed (actually, 90% of my freinds are peeves)
Who here laughs till they tear ?? Does ur tummy hurt too ??
Chyea, tummy hurts rarely though
Ever become friends with someone who u hated at first ??
Does u get mad change so fast ??
doesnt make sense, but i am really moody
Do u brush ur teeth be4 or after breakfast ??
before, duh
Do u like ur hair ??
need to grow it, grease it, and bleach-blonde the end sgment of my brows

Are u a spender or a saver ??
Both, i save my money for a whole year, and then spend it ryte away
Which letter does ur name really begin with 4 those pple who r using nicknames here ??
would like to see YOU answer that
boi, that was hard .. am running out of q. :S[/quote]