How r u now ??

Worst thing u have ever smelt ??
umm...well it wz sum medicine....i wz findin ma headfones n came across this box..i opened n found sum cute small pink color tablets n ven i smelt...........uukkhh!!!! i thought dat was ma last day!!!Most disgusting thing u have ever tasted ??
none dat i can rememberWhat is one place u once went in2, & u were like 'wooooow' ??
the dark jungle in new yorkPeople who is older thn 16, what was one fantastic thing that happened to u when u were 16 ?? People who still havent reached 16 or is 16, what r u really anticipating be4 u turn 17 ??
nuthing much... 
Do u own any pets ?? If yes, what r their name ??
nopesHonestly, r u racist ??
no never!! i hate such ppl!!If i ask u give me the address of a site so i'd go onto now, which site would u give me ??
youtube...loll..Do u work out ??
nopeSo, there is an accident on the road, & one of the passengers is seriously injuried ..
What do i c u doing ??
at first ill be kinda paralysed at the scene n den pick up da courage to dial 999!! Do u smile when pictures r taken of u or r u the only one that wont be making ny emotion ??
smiley smile>>like this
or maybe only
loolll3 things which u'd want in ur future sweet-heart ??
intelligence, faith/sincerity n good looks!!Have u ever actually seen a person with a BIG head which doesn't match wit the body ??
well yea..Do u own anything which hve the peace sign ??
dunnoDude, whats ur fav. color ??
black n pink n also blueBoys, do u hve at least 4 things which r pink ??
U have a balloon & a pin, bt some1 tells u 'DO NOT POP THE BALLOON' .. what do u do ??
y not!! paaaatttt!!! muhahahaha...Whats a name of a song u think had GREAT lyrics ??
paimana all da way!!If u were to take a course in ANY 3 things .. what would u take courses in ?? (eg. spanish,cooking,karate,etc.)
french, stitching, karateWhat was the worst day did u ever go thru ?? (what did it consist of ??)
don't remember atmEver prank-called ny1 ?? If yes, who ??
nope...Ever wished something & it came true right away ??
yea sumtyms..So, u cn call ANYONE (currently living

)on the face of this earth .. who would u call ??
& what do u mainly wanna talk to him/her bout ??
id call u!! hehe...n talk n talk n talk....looll..Do u think zainy is a girly girl or tomboyish ??
i guess girly girl 
What do u think of the name 'heather' ?? Do u knw ny1 by this name ??
weather...loll....noone in real life...loads in bks tho..Ever gt confused when u were a bit lil how to spell the word 'the' ??
i don't think soSun or moon ??
moonPrefer writing with a pen or a pencil ??
pencilR u gd at riddles ?? (inspired by boombastic)
nahWhats the last video u watched on youtube ??
step up 2 danceokay this much for now...ill gat bak l8r