K, these r bout 50 q. (well, it was hard like sh*t thinking of'em all .. bt
).. OFC there is noo need of answering them all at once .. bt, its jst cuz i'm nt comming on 4 smetime .. How r u now ??

Worst thing u have ever smelt ??
One of my friends' shoes
Most disgusting thing u have ever tasted ??
What is one place u once went in2, & u were like 'wooooow' ??
i dont get wooed easily
People who is older thn 16, what was one fantastic thing that happened to u when u were 16 ??
People who still havent reached 16 or is 16, what r u really anticipating be4 u turn 17 ??
To be given more friggin independence
Do u own any pets ?? If yes, what r their name ??
Honestly, r u racist ??
To some extent
If i ask u give me the address of a site so i'd go onto now, which site would u give me ??

Do u work out ??
So, there is an accident on the road, & one of the passengers is seriously injuried ..
What do i c u doing ??
The one helping the dude/dudette get back up, take a few steps, and then thats it (unless it was a hott dudette

Do u smile when pictures r taken of u or r u the only one that wont be making ny emotion ??
Smile or make a silly face
3 things which u'd want in ur future sweet-heart ??
Have u ever actually seen a person with a BIG head which doesn't match wit the body ??
yea, me when i grow my afro

(thank you very much mum, i LOVED it!)
Do u own anything which hve the peace sign ??
And who said i even like peace?
Dude, whats ur fav. color ??
Depends on wut u mean
Clothes: Black and white
Accessories: Green and Navy Blue
Computer stuff: Silver and white
Generally: Blue and Black
Boys, do u hve at least 4 things which r pink ??
Only pink thing i've got is that album, The Best Damn thing :p
U have a balloon & a pin, bt some1 tells u 'DO NOT POP THE BALLOON' .. what do u do ??
Depends on who the person is, if itsa friend ama pop it and then say "wus that u sayin bredrin?"
Whats a name of a song u think had GREAT lyrics ??
Pieces by Sum 41
If u were to take a course in ANY 3 things .. what would u take courses in ?? (eg. spanish,cooking,karate,etc.)
What was the worst day did u ever go thru ?? (what did it consist of ??)
Too many bad days to single one of em out
Ever prank-called ny1 ?? If yes, who ??
Chyea, me alone, i pranked friends, but with the gang, we prank called plenty of teachers and school ppl
Ever wished something & it came true right away ??
So, u cn call ANYONE (currently living

)on the face of this earth .. who would u call ??
& what do u mainly wanna talk to him/her bout ??
either Megan Fox or Ashley Tisdale and u noe wut ama be talkin about
Do u think zainy is a girly girl or tomboyish ??

whadda hell does tamboyish mean? ill assume it means she likes to do guys activites, and ill say ye she is (itsa good thing u noe

What do u think of the name 'heather' ?? Do u knw ny1 by this name ??
Its beautiful name, and yea i used to
Ever gt confused when u were a bit lil how to spell the word 'the' ??
Nah, i got confused with there and their
Sun or moon ??
Prefer writing with a pen or a pencil ??
R u gd at riddles ?? (inspired by boombastic)
Whats the last video u watched on youtube ??
Roger Federer's Coronation
Do u ever think these q. r gonna finish nytime 2day ??
Did u ever watch 'slumdog millionaire' ?? If yes, do u think it gt mre attention thn it deserves ??
Nopes, and yea
Ever tried chasing a chicken ??
Nopes, but i did chase butterflies multiple times, and once a cat

Where r u right now ?? (eg. office,bedroom,guest room, etc.)
Hint: its the messiest room in da house

Boys,which race do u think have the most beautiful women ??
Funny how me and my freinds always think about this question

for me, its tied down between Latinas and Scandinavians
Gals, which race do u think have the hottest men ??

Imma clean ur room (dnt care if its already cleaned), which area dont u want me to come near ??
The whole damn thing! I already got my mom to quarrel with!
Do u wake up easily ??
Depends on what i have to wake up for
R u tired of answering ?? (cuz i'm already tired asking)
Do u get excited when a disastrous event is going on in front of u (where no1 gets really injuried)?? (car crash, simple road accidents, fight, etc.)
R u gd at writing poems ?? (inspired by mana)
Not in a million years
Who here would u think be opp. the gender they claim

?? (inspired by shoshou )
R u sayin that ppl r faking their genders?
hmm, ET?

Did u ever taste a shawerma ??
Dudette, when i say "its bin a long tyme i didnt eat shawerma" it mean i didnt eat it for 3 days!
Do u like the austrilian accent ??
Yea, but not the favourite
Whoz one actor or singer u'd feel no regret killing ??
All of the Jonas Brothers + Cristiano Ronaldo
Name a person of the opposite sex on this forum u'd nt be bored at all chatting with 4 a whole day ??
I wont name it cuz i noe how u and you-know-who will react
Do u realize the # of q. have passed the 40 ??
R u gonna miss me if i'm away 4 a long time ?? (i'm sure u all would

.. jst proving it)
Eh hem, take a wild guess, and make it real

Ok, buh-bye now .. k ??
No not ok

What emotion would u like to finally conclude with ??
as much as i hate it, this quiz really did make me feel better

i was really fuming half an hour ago
