Qualification > Reference Material

List of Literature terms.

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X Abdulrahman X:
~ BUMP ~

+rep !
Thaaaanks Man
This is helpful

X Abdulrahman X:
thanks =]

you didnt get many marks for saying metaphor, similie, assonance etc. The marks u get are mostly how you explain yourself and how you explain how particular words create effects.

X Abdulrahman X:

--- Quote from: pedrojosetrujillo on June 08, 2009, 06:58:57 pm ---you didnt get many marks for saying metaphor, similie, assonance etc. The marks u get are mostly how you explain yourself and how you explain how particular words create effects.

--- End quote ---

i know, but this is the only way to revise for a lit exam since u dont know whats coming up, and hope its easy and u get all the points, this will help alot because it shows the examiner u understand why the writter has added it, and will give u big marks
Remember for everything, PQC ( point, quote, explain )


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