I'm taking CIE Drama too. I reckon if you just read 'The Memorandum' and then pray like hell that we get easy questions, it should be fine. In the exam, pretend to yourself that you're in the audience of the play, and think about what you'd LIKE to see happening, to create the most drama. Then just make up a load of crap about that and you'll be plain sailing (: That's what I do anyway...
And when you're describing things, remember to include these points:
1. Lighting
2. Sound effects
3. Spatiality
4. Pace
5. Volume
6. Setting & backdrop
7. Props & furniture
8. Mood
9. Type of stage
10. Any kind of effects eg. alienation, kafkaesque, pinteresque, existentialism, absurdity, menace etc. etc.
I hope I've helped you. That might have been really tedious to read... Sorry haha.
And yea, Drama's hard. That's why I'll be happy with just a pass.