Qualification > Sciences
Chem paper 3 help!!
extraction of bromine from seawater
purification of water
extraction and separation of minerals from nodules
what is the frasch and ostwald process?
Ghost Of Highbury:
visit this site for ostwald process
--- Quote from: godfather93 on May 28, 2009, 10:08:24 am ---moreover,
extraction of bromine from seawater
purification of water
extraction and separation of minerals from nodules
--- End quote ---
these u can add them for the last, cuz its truly rare to be coming on paper 3. except for purification of water.
u should aslo study electroplatig and the process of galvanising and sacraficial protection and how they all work..
umm i dont think dat this frasch and ostwald process is nywher in da syllabus nd we havent even taught dese processes over here so its useless..
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