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Chem paper 3 help!!

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oh yeah, it's also mentioned in the manufacture of sulphuric acid chapter.

OH YEA Thanks MATE tht reminded me of another test which is the test for alcohols, where u add pottasium permanganate which turns its colour from  pink to colourless. and when adding pottasium dichromate where the colour turns orange to green.
@mj  its in the contact process stuff wher h2so4 is made

ur welcome. can someone please make a list of all the different processes so that it'll be easier to revise. Thanks

contact process
frasch process
ostwald process
haber's process
production of NaOH (chlor alkali industry)
production of aluminium
production of copper
production of iron (blast furnace)
extraction of zinc from zinc blende

please add on.

extraction and production of iron and steel
extraction of zinc blende and production of zinc
habers process
contact process
frasch process
production of copper
production of aluminuinm
production of naoh (learn the uses of chlorine and hydrogen and nacl)
ostwald process(never seen it in paper3)
hydrolysis of protein fats and carbohydrates
formation of polymerisation especially terlyne and nylon with thoer properties and uses

i think thts all

hey all .. !!

can any1 help me with Pastpapers .. and useful info's for chemistry paper 3 :S


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