Author Topic: IMP!!! UPDATES ON ECONOMICS SYLLABUS  (Read 3235 times)

Offline cashem'up

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« on: May 25, 2009, 12:30:44 pm »
hey guys to any who dont know there are updates to the economics to those who do help me out

1.recognise and discuss policies to alleviate povery
2.adv and disadv of monopoly
3.concept of market failure and reason for occurence

there are few other little changes but doesnt matter...
neways can someone help me with the first one abt poverty
I also need help in these things

1.private, social costs and benefits in short term and long term of
  public expenditure versus private expenditure

Offline bball92

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« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2009, 01:23:52 pm »
The cost thingy your talking about is reffered to as EXTERNALITIES
Bear with me a sec while i try to explain it :P

social costs are made up of private costs and external costs,

social benefits are made up of private benefits and external benefits

now i suppose your asking what do they mean?

well private costs are those costs incurred by a firm in production of goods or selling services, which would be things like raw material costs, labour costs, overheads etc.

external costs are the costs to society that arise as the result of a business decision. for example, if a firm decides to dump waste materials in the river to reduce costs of disposing it in a safe manner, the cost to society in this case is the amount of money that they have to pay to clean up the river. they do not always have to be costs in monetary terms, external cost could also be pollution.

private benefits are the benefits that the firm achieves from production, for example profits.

external benefits are those benefits to the society that occur as the result of a business decision, for example the decision made by the owners of a business to set up in a place of high unemployment and recruit local people, in this case the external benefit is the jobs that people are now gettingas  aresult of the factory setting up.

Hope that helps =) 

Offline afarooq

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« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2009, 01:38:49 pm »

Monopoly is where one firm is the sole supplier or controls a large part of the market share. The advantages of a monopoly are: where large scale capital is required, average costs can fall if only one firm produce the goods. Monopolist will have better resources to spend on research and development and will be able to bring new techniques and products to strengthen its position. Monopoly would mean economies of scale which in turn would lead to lower priced experts. A monopolist reacts to demand changes in a more effective manner than other forms. Disadvantages of monopolies also exist. They charge higher prices as there is no other competitor in the market.

They abuse consumers in this way. Monopolist has the power to restrict market supply. It is also argued that because there is no competition monopolist have little incentive to introduce new products and techniques. Monopolies also restrict entries of new firms and drive them out of business. Moreover there is lack of choice for consumers in the market. In a monopoly firm do not respond to consumer demand. When there is competition forms supply more of what consumers demand.

Offline bball92

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« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2009, 02:11:58 pm »
Tbh i made my own notes on monopolies...and i divided them into 3 sections.

Advantages to the monopoly:

-access to cheap labour
-avoids trade barriers
-obtain raw materials
-new markets
-spread risks

Advantage to the country with monopoly in it

-tax revenue for government
-jobs created
-increase in competition
-new investment
-more exports
-fewer imports

Disadvantage to the country with monopoly in it

-uses up scare resouces
-jobs created are often semi-skilled or unskilled
-monopoly may be able to influence local government
-profits flow out of country
-existing firms in danger

Offline Name

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« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2009, 04:38:49 pm »
just adding to what bball said, ive got this as well:

Advantages of a Monopoly
•   Monopolies benefit from large economies of scale, than if production was supplied by lots of small firms
•   AC of production is lower for a monopoly?products may actually be a lower price from a monopoly than from  competitive firms

Disadvantages of a Monopoly
•   Power influences behaviour of firm
•   Monopoly has the power to:
- Restrict/reduce supply to market?increase prices
[power over consumer]
- Earn excessive profits
- Force suppliers to charge them lower prices
[power over supplier]

[Conclusion: Monopoly may have the power to influence market prices and earn large profits however price may still be lower than if there was perfect competition?all depends on how monopoly acts/behaves]

Offline cashem'up

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« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2009, 04:40:21 pm »
hey thanks guys and  also one more thing i am clear
i really need help abt the poverty thing
and also
public and private expenditure in terms or costs mentioned