New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
No you should wait till reaching 600 to be a senior citizen
3adi.They are moderators, Roxy is not.
Because they were chosen for this purpose. You dont know that they are moderators =O
Quote from: AxlGirl on May 24, 2009, 03:29:37 pmWow! i have missed out alot i guess :/ 4 pages to be specific *group hug* again for all of youhaha ya Group Hug!!So how r u Axlgirl??
Wow! i have missed out alot i guess :/ 4 pages to be specific *group hug* again for all of you
Quote from: Monica on May 24, 2009, 03:38:50 pmQuote from: AxlGirl on May 24, 2009, 03:29:37 pmWow! i have missed out alot i guess :/ 4 pages to be specific *group hug* again for all of youhaha ya Group Hug!!So how r u Axlgirl??Looks like our group hug is getting very popular I'm goody good. u tell?
Haha! i have chem on 29th i'm SO failing it! don't know what to study.. i did everything today besides studying.. went for tennis, came online, facebook.. haven't even touched my book yet :/when's ur french?
alll of u r sweet ma bsties here r monica n snity bt of course roxy, sweetsh , angell wotever all r sweet 2
Love you all!