New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Ahh, c'mon give the guy a break....He swallowed his pride to say sorry.....
Nid, eightAs, roxy, shreyapril, AF, Mani, Dude321, Ari, Alpha, master786, Astar, Q80, godfather, sameer210394
Mani apologized you can't kill him Rox
although i don't know anyone personally on this forum but everyone is my best friend especially the staff...
You don't talk much, that is why I didn't get the chance to know you very well. Well, we just spoke those few times in the chatroom all of us and you seemed a nice guy. =]Soon, this session, everyone will be everyone's else best friend. It will be fun!
i lik to call everyone my friends ...cuz u see when i start sayin whose my best friend , someone will get hurt "By the way i am refering to real lie situations not sf "
Yes, true. In real life I have MANY friends. I am everyone's best friend but the ones I take as best friends..the ones I share secrets with are not much. I don't say it out loud but they do know that they are my best friends..<3