Why I like you all so much:
astarmathsandphysics: is there any reason not to love this guy?

*standing ovation, and then a chicken dance*
mony: just plain lovable, a very special person indeed, someone who has always cared for me personally. Thank you for bringing so much joy to my evenings.
TQ: for helping so many people with his amazing resources, and not afraid to share is expansive wealth of reference material. A heartfelt thankyou to u.
nid404: A person worthy of great and abundant praise, for helping so many people, i can remember how many times i +repped u for helping a person. I congratulate you again for the work you do, and no one deserves to be mod of the month other than you
A.F: A new friend of mine, who is always proving that he deserves to be a mod, he helps so many people!
maybeitwastheneighbours: *standing ovation* a very funny person, that can cheer you up with pretty much anything, i mean even her dp, and the message underneath is halarious. I luv ur "*emotions*", and thanks for the 10 funny things to say.
alpha: Someone that I have come to deeply admire for their extensive knowledge of human nature. Someone, who always brings more excitement into a debate, and someone who always brings up new ideas for an argument. I would also thank her for her own website that helps people learn and improve their english. Thank you so very much for being you.