Author Topic: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!  (Read 87202 times)

Offline Shogun

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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #150 on: May 27, 2009, 09:59:58 am »
hey astar, from where can i learn more laws of phyiscs, any law even the ones not in syllabus, cuz i would really luv to learn more laws...
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #151 on: May 27, 2009, 10:26:11 am »
can sme body explain  MCQ
Paper 1 (2008may/june)
n one more thing
Beta particals are elctions, n electrons are found in the OUTER ORBIT right
so in Q -38 (same year/session) the ans in A how?>

c.the voltage is in the ratio of the resistances

All radiation comes from the nuclues. A neutrom changes in to a proton: n>p++e-
but isnt it IR= V
so if R decreases V decreases too bcuz they r propotional:S
anyone ??  can answer?
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #152 on: May 27, 2009, 10:29:46 am »
wait lemme check
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #153 on: May 27, 2009, 10:41:58 am »
hey the answer for q37, is c
u see the job of the potential devider is tht it gives some amount of voltage to another part of the circuit (ie. the part with 100v potential devider on the second diagram) so what happened was tht both potential devider are 100v one of them becam 90 so as a result giving the missing 10v to the other potential devider with 100v making it 110v. this is the job of potential devider, it devides voltage to diffrernt amounts to differnt parts of the circuit. it has nothing got to do with r=vi cuz its not a resistor its a potenmtial devider.
the question states the job of the potential devider. and yea the units are in ohms but as VOLTAGE INCREASES THE RESISTANCE INCREASES.

and the answr for q38 is A cuz beta particle are elctorns as beta is negatively charged, and all rediations happens from nucleus

i hope this helped, any confusion difficulties or help needed plz do ask, and if they are correct according to the mark scheme (which is supposed to be) or if my explainaiton suits or is understandable plz do +rep me.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 10:52:42 am by Shogun »
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #154 on: May 27, 2009, 10:52:49 am »
Vout=R(OUT)/(R(OUT)+R) so the output voltage increases with the output resistance. The circuit voltage increases with the circuit resistance and the 2 voltages have the same proportion as the resistances.

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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #155 on: May 27, 2009, 02:19:53 pm »
can anyone help wid the time base control ; base emitter collector and how the resistance works?? ??? ???

the time base system works for the x plates on the cathode ray osclliscope(CRO), the thing is tht, dpending on time the voltage goes zero between the plates then after acertan period of time say 0.5 secs the voltage gose up to its original value, how does this help? the x plate is ment to let the beams of electrons move horizonataly (left and right) so it hits the screen (on both the left and right side). so to do this, lets say abeam of elctrones in an CRO is coming and as it passes through the x plates(which is charged with postive and negative charge) the beam of electron (which is negative in charge) deflects towards the postive charge plates.

lets say the positive plate is aranged on the right, so when thier is voltage the beam deflects to the right after CERTAIN SET TIME the voltage goes zero (so no charged plate) and the beam returns to its original path (i.e the left side) then again after a certain set time the voltage goes up and the beam of electrons deflects to the right again.. so this is how the beam moves right and left with the help of x plates whic is TIME BASE system.

base emiter stuff...
the base  and emmiter and collector wires are used in a transistor. the for the lamp to work (which is uually placed on the path of colletor emitter path) there must be a current on the base current and there must be a suitable potential difference of 0.6v across the base emitter path.

these conditions are needed for the transistor to work which acts as an automatic switch to switch on the lamp (which is usually placed in the collector -emitter path)

resistance stuff,
they say to the current "get the hell outta here" , u see they act as aopposition to the flow of current in the circuit, it does not let the current to pass through. it blocks the path of the current. with variable resistor u can change the amount of blockage, which means u can allow certain ammount of current to pass and flow through.

any more help or confusion or difficulties,plz do ask me.
THANK U SO MUCH!!!these r actually da simplest meaning for me...:D...+rep
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #156 on: May 27, 2009, 04:18:47 pm »
ure welcome
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #157 on: May 27, 2009, 04:25:11 pm »
hi eveyone...
i need help with CRO....
esp the calibration part....n ven they ask how these graphs are produced by the CRO...
i hv no clue to it ???

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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #158 on: May 27, 2009, 04:42:04 pm »
A particular question would be great zara.

Offline Shogun

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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #159 on: May 27, 2009, 04:42:55 pm »
hey this is how cro works i explained it throughly
cathode ray oscillascope. has 6 parts.

the filament: it goes through thermionic emiision(where a substance is heated it releases electrons) this filament is heated and releases electorns with negative charge.

the anode grid: it has a positve charge. this controls the nrightness (ill tell u how later)

the cathode grid: it has a negative charge, this allows the beam of electron (the electrons emitted when tht filament was heated)

the y plates:hese have plates with (+) and (-) charge and are attached vertically to each other on the tube of the CRO. this helps the beam of electrons move up and down so the beam of electrons spread evenly (up and down) on the screen.

the x plate: these have plates with (+) and (-) charge and are attached horizontilly to each other on the tube of the CRO. these help the electrons move (left and right) as it hits the screen.

the screen: at the end of the CRO is the screen (made of fluroscent usually) when electorns hit this screen it glows.

without x plate and y plates u will see the beam of electrons hitting one point of the screen only (so only tht part glows) for eg:on TV (just an example) , if with out x plates and y plates, picture can only be seen as a spot of light (picture) on the screen. but with x and y plates the electrons are able to reach both (up and down) and (right and left) with the help of y plates and x plates respectively. (ill tell u how they work later))

how does the OCR work?
first the filament is heated, beams of electrons are emitted (this is callerd thermionic emission). they go throu the cathode. what does cathod do? Cathode are negatively charge (-) and so are the beam of electrons, so repulsion take place due to similar charges allowing some beams of electrons to "stay back". This control the brightness cuz "the more number of electrons hittin the screen, the brighter the pic comes on the screen". ok, then the beams pass through the anode. what does the anode do? Anode is positively charged (+) and the beam of electrons are oppesitely charged. this anode atracts the beam of electron giving the "boost" or "acceleration" and to travel in a straight line (beam). then it reaches the Y plates. as i told u the help the electrons move up and down . they are plates with voltages (charged with (+) and (-))). they are  GIVEN WITH A.C VLTAGE because if it was D.C then the elctrons would only move up OR down depending on the position of the positively charged plate ( as beam of electron is negatively charged). u see, A.C current changes its direction so the plates change their charges, whic means (+) become (-) then later (-) becomes (+). so (+) charge changes its positon and so does the beam of electron which changes its direction of deflection. this helps the electrons to touch both up and down of the screen.

the X plate are same, except they help the electrons to move right and left they are also charged except tht they are aranged horizontally. they are time base. the work with time, how? by letting the voltage between these plates go 0 then after sometime go to a certain value. how tghis helps? as the voltage has acertain value thts not 0 the beam deflects to towards positively charged plate. then when after a certain time it the voltage goes 0 immediately. this all ows the beam of electrons to GO BACK its old path (which was before deflection at X PLATE), then vise versa. this helps the electrons go left and right on the screen.

U might ask what in x plate there is time base and in y plates are AC current? why cant the put AC on the xplates too? This is because i think tht the time base system helps beam to go in the REQUIRED or aprropriate horizontal path.

then finally the electrons reaches the screen in every direction (with the help of x and y plates) which causes the whole fluroscent screen to glow or lit.

however i donthink we have any calibrations or how does it show them as graph explainations in our syllabus..

any help needed or any confusion im all here m8....

i hope this helpd
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #160 on: May 27, 2009, 04:49:24 pm »
although they asked to say how they work to show waveforms. i can explain tht too if u want..
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #161 on: May 27, 2009, 05:08:37 pm »
thmx m8...u reallii did help me a lot!!!
+rep to u...
n i actually meant the waveforms nly ven i askd abt the graphs...
so plz explain this as well.....
this forum's workin too slow....dats the reason for m late replies...srry for dat..

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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #162 on: May 27, 2009, 05:10:29 pm »
Thanks, no prob. ill explain to u right away..
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #163 on: May 27, 2009, 05:14:49 pm »
In its simplest mode, the oscilloscope repeatedly draws a horizontal line called the trace across the middle of the screen from left to right. One of the controls, the timebase control, sets the speed at which the line is drawn, and is calibrated in seconds or decimal fractions of a second per division. If the input voltage departs from zero, the trace is deflected either upwards (normally for positive polarity) or downwards (negative). Another control, the vertical control, sets the scale of the vertical deflection, and is calibrated in volts per division. The resulting trace is a plot of voltage against time, with the more distant past on the left and the more recent past on the right.

this plot shows the graph where it displays wavefroms on the screen, the inputs are calibrated on the knob, this is how its calibrated and gets the wavefrom in a graph like type/format, the graph or wavefrom is produced based on the set input and its variation of the wavefrom with time. how is it diplayed on the screen? just as the way i explained u how the OCR works.

any confusion or difficulties u have or any help u need plz do ask me.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 05:17:38 pm by Shogun »
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Re: Physics Help HERE ONLY !!
« Reply #164 on: May 27, 2009, 05:28:46 pm »
Thanks again shogun....
for now this is f9...if i fynd ne probs ill ask later...
Thanks a lot.. ;D