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Student Shop and Student Daily

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hmm... this is honestly very irritating... im not awesome at graphics... so... im not going to begin to show my inferior logo (which is worse than astar's)... but this was my idea:

a wooden sign, lopsided, which said "teh student shop: this way", and somehow also had an egged pic of the CIE logo on it. somehow... not necessartily egged, it could have paint splodges like ur doing a very bad job of painting over it.

so i attached these pictures of wood, and two paint splodges. the cie logo i already posted.

i didnt try to lower any of their resolutions or quality, because they look quite good and are a small size right now.

now im starting to talk to myself.

astar: using the cie logo is not a good thing. even tho the bad guys wont get u for it, ur destroying the credibility of the site. not just for yourself, but also for the students who will be helping you! imagine some1 saying "i worked to help astarmaths and physics make logos which had paint splodged on the cie thingy". y'know...

just my take. i wouldnt want a college/uni i was applying to to know tht i helped a criminal... meaning this whole thing would be a waste...

lol. i appreciate what u do... dont take it the wrong way... but when it comes to helping students... maybe you should try to act a bit legally...  just a wee bit. because when u start making money off of cie things... then they'll really want you. especially if ur doing it online. with no license or even a  request for approval.

and if the shop is a success, they already know where u live. heck, i know where u live.
42 Churchbury Rd, London, SE9 5HY

this post is becoming too long. all i meant to say was, i dont think im in if u dont at least pretend u want big corporations to be happy.

yeah. whatever. thats my take on it.

I wanna join 2 i can help with sum stuff >> if u want resources

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