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Try that but most important to get things to sell there and put them up.

Ghost Of Highbury:
thats the whole point! Selling suff!

hmm yeah i know... but a logo makes a BIG difference. having a logo makes a huge difference, and the difference between a good logo and bad logo is a difference in sales. honestly, a good logo gives you good credibility. a lot of good credibility.

and when people design a logo, they design a high res one first, then publish a lower res one. know what i mean? for a high res cie logo, go here:

hmm... so i'm trying to make paint blotches (using GIMP, CS4, Paint, and the lovely graphics editor that comes with game maker :D)

astar... i just wanted to say... i really want to be a part of this whole thing. i could help with the SEO. this is who taught me:
(rot13, because i dont want him to see this page... lol)

the guy who SEO'd that taught me to SEO. he also SEO'd and sold it off for a nice profit. and he owns,, and other really good domain names. yes, its kinda obvious who he is... but... dont say.

yea. im supposed to SEO for him, and some other domains.

so. yeah. i am at your service. captain.


just wanted to say tht im willing to work for 0-profit. for however long u want me to. im not doing this for the cash. im doing it for the commerce experience thing. just like why im SEO'ing that stuff up there.

paint splodges arent as easy as they look... especially ones that look like they're dripping...


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