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--- Quote from: astarmathsandphysics on September 26, 2009, 08:59:46 am ---What was decided in the chatroom yesterday?

--- End quote ---

Some ppl ::) think it's not safe.....I mean CIE scares the crap outta them :o

I'm fine...i guess they're thinking of having a vote or something for the paper selling thing

Cie cant get to you. They know where i live and havent contacted me for a year

ahahahahahaha lool ppl r scared of cie loooooooooooooooooooool

thttz funnaaayy :D :P 

i like it why not :D :P

n ven did this chatroom thingy happned ?! :o

whenever i go on the chatroom, no one is ever online :(


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