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--- Quote from: eddie_adi619 on September 25, 2009, 12:52:52 pm ---good luck!...

By the way..ur a girl or a boy?

sry to ask this...i guess a boy...

--- End quote ---

thank you :) good luck to you too :)

and yes im a boy :P and it's okay to ask :P  :P

cookies n cream:
hi guys are you talking about the shop thing?
i hav a few questions myself
i want to know wt steps shoild i do to get to help in running it?

Ghost Of Highbury:
hey cookies n cream...nice username....:P


--- Quote from: eddie_adi619 on September 26, 2009, 04:34:12 am ---hey cookies n cream...nice username....:P

--- End quote ---

I like cookies

What was decided in the chatroom yesterday?


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