General Points Concerning LISTENING
If you want to do some Listening practice, remember you have 2 CD-ROMs in your copy of “IGCSE English as a Second Language” by Peter Lucantoni.
For most of the questions, all you need is a brief answer (often just one word).
Do not just listen for words; listen to the meaning of what is being said! Try to predict what is coming next.
Use the pauses for writing: if you write too soon, you may miss something you should be listening to!
In the note-taking tasks, think about the type of word that is required. For example, if a heading says “Purpose”, then it is likely that you need a list of verbs (e.g. To raise awareness, To conserve wildlife, To educate schoolchildren). By contrast, if a sentence says “This boat has attracted more _________ than any other boat in the race”, then you should expect a noun to fill the gap – e.g. publicity, funding, attention, visitors, trouble, photographers?
If you write 2 answers and the first one is wrong, no points will be awarded.
Spelling usually does not matter. However, if an incorrect spelling could cause confusion about your meaning, then it will be marked incorrect. For example, "bored" is good; "bord" is incorrect but acceptable; but "board" is unacceptable.