New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
I proved I'm not a fool. Okay, I'll +rep you after 2 hours... cause I just added to Mony's.
Hope is the lie I told myself. Believe is the lie they told me. Love is the promise you broke. Happy is the lie I tell everyone else. :/
No one told you there was only one Truth? That which nobody tells.
haha No no no, it's not needed at all Thank you..
Is it a quote I suppose?They tell actually,but not using mouth, but you may've to figure it out on your own!
When they tell you, they tell you one thing.But when you figure out, there comes many conflicting.
Its simple. Choose the one which is the most beneficial or most advantageous to you.
Choosing from a pack of rocks doesn't mean you will get the rock the other person left.
But you'll get the one you need.
No, it would just be a rock among so many others.