Author Topic: British Army Led by Muppets  (Read 4039 times)

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British Army Led by Muppets
« on: December 10, 2013, 03:04:14 pm »
So say 15 British soldiers who staged a sit down protest in Kenya.
The soldiers were dismissed from the army, but the fact is that muppets are in charge all over the world.
Thereare no bigger muppets in the world at the moment than Jacob Zuma, who has spent "20 million pounds of public money on his own house, and the President of Venezuala, who has essentially closed down all the shops because his government's incompetent economic policies have led to prices that people cannot afford to pay.

Offline pongchatee

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Re: British Army Led by Muppets
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2015, 04:53:43 am »

Post this to educate a diverse lot. Ask you to take the good posts like this again.