Two weeks ago, somebody who has been with us as an integral part of the SF family, for almost 4 years, 1305 days to be exact, had left SF. She devoted herself fully to it... I still remember vividly posting in debates, chit chat and waiting impatiently for her to reply.. her participation in SF gave SF the life that it needed. And it gave each, every one of us the joy that made us stick to SF. I know, for myself, I would've left SF long back had she not been there.
She is
~Alpha. The Cleopatra, the Ocean, where "you will drown" and the Eye.
With a very heavy heart and being unable to forgive myself, I admit full responsibility for this debacle. Had it not been for my insensitive, ignorant and selfish nature, this wouldn't have happened. Yes, guys, you heard it right: It's me who caused her to leave, and delete her account, deleting thousands of posts, hundreds of pages of messages and uncountable memories at the same time... You all can blame me for anything, and I will accept the responsibility gracefully, for I am responsible, and that is the truth.
I know.. I know, SF is not what it used to be. Barely anyone posts here nowadays and I doubt she will see this after all that happened. SF Family is no more... maybe it's an exaggeration, but we have all grown up and cannot spend as much time as we used to in SF.
But still, ~Alpha, for the sake of the entire SF family, WE want you to be back...

Will you... come back? And enrich the way that your mere presence used to?

Not for my sake, after all that I did... but for DK, Crooked, Malak, Amelia, Nobody, Romeesa, Banana, Most Unique, Abod, DrEvil, ShoshouMony, Golden Girl, Saladin, Ukhti and countless former and present members of SF? Whatever I did is my fault, why are they to suffer?
To the forum administration: Could you kindly revoke my
"honorary member" title and demote me to a normal member since I deserve it no more?