Author Topic: Best ways to nourish your brain  (Read 5855 times)

Offline Flamed-Ghoust

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Best ways to nourish your brain
« on: January 31, 2013, 06:31:04 pm »
Having trouble while studying, can not concentrate well i am sure Preparing for exams is a bit like training for a marathon, and just as your muscles need the right kind of fuel to keep pumping, so does your brain. What you eat can affect how well your brain functions and your ability to learn, understand and remember. Here are my top 5 tips for boosting your brain-power with the right nutrition.

1. Wholegrain carbs for brain-fuel

Your brain uses 20% of your energy and needs a constant supply or it will start to slow down. Not good when you’re trying to revise or in the middle of an exam. Choose wholegrain carbohydrates that release their energy steadily, and avoid sugary snacks or drinks which make your blood sugar rise then fall sharply, ultimately starving your brain of fuel. Try:

Wholegrain breakfast cereals - porridge, muesli or Shredded Wheat: a good breakfast helps you concentrate, think straight and remember things.
Wholegrain or Granary bread for sandwiches.
Brown rice – tasty, easy to cook.

2. Proteins for processing power

Your brain produces neurotransmitters which transmit nerve impulses, enabling you to think, stay alert, get motivated and process information.

It generates more impulses every day than all the phones in the world – even more when you’re studying, revising and doing exams – so it gets through a lot of neurotransmitters.

Protein is essential for making neurotransmitters. Have 2-3 portions/day. Try:

Chicken or turkey – turkey mince is cheap and makes great burgers
Fish and shellfish – frozen prawns are cheap and make a good Thai curry
Eggs – poached eggs on toast or omelets
Beans, lentils, tofu, nuts and seeds – tofu stir fry, lentil curry or snack on nuts

3. Get your good fats

Amazingly, your brain is about 60% fat – mostly good omega-3 fats. These are essential for brain structure and function. Oily (non-white) fish provide a rich source. Aim for 2 portions/week. Try:

Sardines or pilchards on toast
Sandwich with mackerel pate filling: smoked mackerel mashed with low-fat cream cheese and horseradish.
Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon – salmon trimmings aren't expensive and make scrambled eggs special.

4. Stay hydrated

Your brain contains a lot of water, and starts to shrivel with even mild dehydration, so:

Drink enough fluid each day, mostly water, to keep your pee a pale straw color.
If you drink tea, green tea is a good choice. It contains antioxidants which help protect the brain, and has been shown to help nerve transmissions associated with learning and memory.

5. Save alcohol until it’s time to celebrate

In excess, alcohol is seriously toxic to the brain. It:

Weakens brain cell connections.
Reduces your memory.
Disrupts sleep, which is essential to back up your memory files of what you've learned in the day.

Enjoy this menu  and special thanks for Clare Casson, Nutritionist and Wellbeing Coach
Article taken from

Remember to be able to study you will need a working brain and a brain will not work without fuel so enjoy :)
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Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2013, 08:19:37 pm »
Believe it or not the best way is notvto eat so much. Being fat discourages exercise. The best nourishment for the brain is exercise.

Offline Flamed-Ghoust

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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2013, 03:48:22 am »
Too much of anything is bad for you weather it was food , exercise or even reading
the answer for your question though is that if you will exercise you will get tired and then you will want to sleep and of course nobody can study if he is asleep.
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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2013, 05:17:06 am »
0.5 Smile

It releases all the positive energy that you need to swallow back at the end of the day. :)

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2013, 01:20:01 pm »
I find if I shout down the telephone at cold callers it helps too.

Offline Flamed-Ghoust

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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 08:43:43 am »
give me your number so i would call you whenever you have exams 8) ;D
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Offline Flamed-Ghoust

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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2013, 09:09:57 am »
I find if I shout down the telephone at cold callers it helps too.

give me your number so i would call you whenever you have exams   
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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2013, 06:56:44 pm »
I'm sorry to be a kill joy but I moved the topic in a more appropriate location.

That's real good stuff, Flame-Ghoust.

give me your number so i would call you whenever you have exams   

He is one of those guys who makes exams papers...for his students. You need to be introduced to the staff properly, hmm  :)

Offline Flamed-Ghoust

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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2013, 10:53:41 am »

He is one of those guys who makes exams papers...for his students. You need to be introduced to the staff properly, hmm  :)

Thank you Amelia, actually I already know, it was just a joke.
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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2013, 06:56:39 am »
Nice post. Like the whole idea as a nourished brain is important to study well. |Not only that it an old quote and fact that a healthy mind exist in the healthy body. If the students are good enough with their health then there would be good chances of getting success as there focus on study will be better then the others.

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: Best ways to nourish your brain
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2013, 09:48:11 am »
Give yourself a steady stream of problems to solve, no matter how little.