heyy der ppl wirtin ICT 2moro..m not sure if diz waz posted b4 or hw many of u knw about diz...bh jst for da record..for ur last minute revision it think the webite
http://www.igcseict.info will be a great help for all of u..
And also greatly consider
http://www.mryusuf.com/downloads/samples/ICT0417_Section7.1_SAMPLE.pdf ...diz has many of da small unknown topicz in our syllabus dat hav been covered (such as music scores n all)
hope m not too late to say all diz..
lastly, ALL THE BEST! =]
Take care..xx
P.S. @moderators..i knw about da whole bandwidth situation n also da fact dat der iz an official thread for postin all necessary ICT questionz...bh FYI..itz better to post it seperately as itz a last minute advice to all..so dat dey cn take note of diz..