New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Not really. Teeth whitening isn't as good as people think it is. Awwwww, habibti. That is soooo cute. <3Man, I lost all motivation to do the sit-ups. -.- I used to do 100-200 sit-ups every night and now ... it's all gone (the motivation I mean ... not the tummy ).
LOL I mean the pizza not the teeth whitening We had Roast chicken and chips ONE TO TWO HUNDRED ?! :O BLOOODDDYY HELL HOW ON EARRRTHHHH DID YOU MANAGE THATT? I can;t do more than 65 >.<I'm still practicing
Haha, I started off with 20 then 50 then 100 and then 200.
baaaaaah, easy