Author Topic: physics unit 3b(edexcel)  (Read 1740 times)

Offline me0w_56

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physics unit 3b(edexcel)
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:25:01 am »
can any1 list the core practicals for unit 3b physics (edexcel) searched every where but cant find a thing..

Offline The Golden Girl =D

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Re: physics unit 3b(edexcel)
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2012, 01:53:49 pm »
Where did you search if I may ask ::)  Just kidding :)

Just do the following =D

1. Click HERE and Check the Links Under the "Physics Practical Section" ,you'll find Many VERY useful Links and Documents that will teach you the skills you need to gain/know in order to score a very High score in your Unit 3 and even unit 6  ;)

2. Request the AS Physics Investigation (a list of practicals that you MUST know for Unit 3 Physics) from Your teacher at School.

This is Just the LIST of the practicals that are available on the Investigation thingy but on the investigation thingy the ACTUAL Experiments and their precautions etc are ALL there, you see :)

Check THIS as well :)

3. Try watching some videos on YouTube to understand the Experiments more and to be able to visualize what is actually happening  =D

4. DO ALL the Past papers Available and DON'T peek at the MS until you're finally DONE ! then feel free to check the MS ;)

5. What to expect and stuff , you gain it from doing past papers and LEARNING from your mistakes [Try downloading some Examiner reports  to know How you're expected to answer (I'll try this out for my Physics and chem Unit 6 iA) ]

Experiments from Both Unit 1 AND unit 2 are a MUST-Know experiments ,you've to know them more than you know your name (it's a saying in Arabic :P ) ,and THEIR Precautions and how you plot the data on the graph , how to draw a graph ( it must be three fourth the graph given to you and it must be best-fit , hmm the point should be an X sign or an X sign with a circle around it , must know how to make a scale with given values) hmm you must know how to calculate % uncertainty , % difference ..etc)

Notice : ALL the Links and documents are Important so make sure that you check them out(the things within the Edexcel Syllabus of course)

I hope you ACE it ;)

Don't worry ,just Work really hard and Have faith in god ;D

Good Luck (:

Wassalam =D
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 01:56:35 pm by The Golden Girl =D »
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