ethical issues of DBS?
Can worsen conditions of diseases if not placed in the right area of brain, not 100% guaranteed to work, costly?, only available to patients with severe conditions.
why/how does parkinsons cause tremors and involuntary movement?
Parkinsons disease results in death of dopamine secreting neurones in the basal ganglia, which normally release dopamine in motor cortex. Therefore the motor cortexes are not able to recieve dopamine which leads to loss of control of movement and tremors.
list shortcomings of levedopa and drug-telated treartment?
advantages of DBS over other treatments?
Do not have to take tablets, can be calibrated for optimum results
describe and explain side effects of DBS?
apathy (emotions become supressed), hallucinations, compulsive gambling,
hypersexuality, cognitive dysfunction (loss of intellectual functions), and depression (I assume it disrupts Serotonin levels?)
Explain ( in short detail) how DBS works to traet brain disorders?
DBS sends high frequency electrical impulses to specific areas to interfere with brain activity (passing of impulses through motor neurones) and regain some control.
Explain why DBS can be used to treat a multitude of disorders?
The lead for DBS can be placed at different areas of brain according to different symptoms