First of all congratulations on completing and Graduating in your Biology degree... And moving from the student to Graduate stage - The 3 years of hardcore working and developing as a university student is unmatched to any of academic studies I have done... So well done Mr Graduate
That in its self says that you are an amazing guy, Students and Graduate. You must not allow people to get you down though (Which is often said by a lot of people). Recently I did some research into the power of the subconscious mind and you will be surprised at how powerful a tool it is in life. In theory if you wake up and tell yourself every morning that you are wonderful you will feel like your wonderful naturally one day, the bad side of this is it works the same way for negative thoughts to.
So in theory it has the power to shape your mood for the day and your attitude towards life. Tell you self I am not a Student anymore and I am a Graduate that achieved the best even at a disadvantage. Start believing in yourself more, increase your networks (as low self esteem usually means that you won't network a lot if at all) try sites like,, and keep pushing your Networks.
Build your skills in the mean time. There is nothing worse then a dormant human being as you will lose information/knowledge like you will lose muscles if you stop going to the gym. Try reading academic books or journals at night. I have always said if you are not going forwards in life you are going back- Forward is the place to be.
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