Habeebti , I'll say May Allah reward you for EVERYTHING you have done/sacrificed for this forum. So you're reward is NOT a "Thank You" , it's something that Only
Allah SWT knows (: Allah 2ilwa7eed 2ili 3areef inti 2eesh tista7i8i O 2eesh ti7tagee
... O inshAllah rabana yi7a8i8lik amaneeki
I really don't know what to say , but I want us to keep in touch or at least for each one of us to
try to keep in touch with the other , so let's do that please (:
Love you for the Sake of Allah *bear hug* , and you never stopped being one of my sources of inspiration sis
Allah yi7fatheek li2ahleek O yinfa3 feeki 2ilUmmah O yijzeeki KULL 5eer 3ala Kull shaee sawaeeti fi 7ayatik , ya 8amar <3
Astawdu3ukee Allah 2althee la tadee3u wada2i3uhu