Author Topic: Forum Upgrade  (Read 1305 times)

Offline ExamPapersGeek

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Forum Upgrade
« on: January 24, 2012, 08:27:07 am »

There has been quite a bit of chats about forum upgrades between the mods & admins. So i need to give you updates as to whats going on:
At the moment i am just doing small updates on the site, to keep it secure and functioning awesomely - So our main priority is security and functionality.
At the moment SMF 2.0 is in Beta Release & SMF 1.1 is the stable one, if we upgrade to 2.0 there will be problems, like having to do updates every few days, since problems are found more frequently in SMF 2 - this will lead to more frequent crashes, take off functionality etc... So as long as SMF 1 is not decommissioned we will be using it. However if i have free time during the summer, then i might upgrade to SMF 2 during the summer of 2012.

Anyways, have an awesome day people!
Got complains? Tell the admins to email me! ;D