Can someone answer this question please?
"calcium carbonate is found in egg shells. All carbonates react with HCL to form chlorides. Calcium carbonate is insoluble in water but calcium chloride is soluble. Most impurities in egg shells are insoluble. Plan an experiment to find out if egg shells are 100% calcium carbonate"
This is the last question in Nov 2000 paper 6 and it is worth 6 marks.
Take an egg shell and weigh it. Mass of egg shell = Xg
React the egg shell with HCl = Will produce Calcium chloride and CO2.
Filter. Residue = Insoluble impurities and CaCO3
Weigh the Calcium Chloride. Mass of calcium chloride = Yg
Mass of CaCO3 + Impurities = Zg
CaCO3 (100g) --> CaCl2 (111g) + CO2 + H2O
111g of CaCl2 --> 100 grams of CaCO3
Yg of CaCl2 ---> W grams of CaCO3.
% of CaCO3 in egg shels = W grams/Z grams * 100.