Qualification > Sciences


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--- Quote from: Ari Ben Canaan on June 08, 2010, 10:06:18 am ---
HINDI !!!!!

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Urdu!!! Cause neither him nor me know hindi :D..

Basically the same. Difference in writing and some words. You know like terrorists are atangwadi in hindi, dashatgard in urdu lol :D :D....

you guys how come animals and decomposers depend on light for their energy? :S isn't that just plants?


--- Quote from: aangel42 on June 08, 2010, 11:13:32 am ---nope indirectly all organisms depend on light for energy, because we eat plants, or animals that have eaten plants. and all plants require energy (from sunlight) to photosynthesize and produce food
think about it, if there were no plants, primary consumers would die out, then secondary would, then tertiary would, then we would!
get it?

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yeaa i was thinking abt it that way too :) guess i was sleepy last night :P thanks!

can someone please explain why in number 5 the cell is in the palisade mesphyll and not the leaf epidermis?? leaf structures are so confusing can someone please give me a concise but informative overview?
oh and why on earth is number 18 D?????


--- Quote from: Dana on June 08, 2010, 11:24:21 am ---http://www.freeexampapers.us/IGCSE/Biology/CIE/2008%20Jun/0610_s08_qp_1.pdf
can someone please explain why in number 5 the cell is in the palisade mesphyll and not the leaf epidermis?? leaf structures are so confusing can someone please give me a concise but informative overview?
oh and why on earth is number 18 D?????

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Q5:  There are loads more chloroplasts in the pallisade mesophyll cell than normal, so it must be that.

Q18:  Obviously D, lungs, because they oxygenate deoxygenated blood and pass this oxygenated blood to the pulmonary vein and into the left chamber.


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