Qualification > Sciences


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Can someone please explain to me the answer of Biology paper 1 Q2  year 2001??   ??? ??? ???


--- Quote from: Ivo on June 08, 2010, 11:40:27 am ---Q5:  There are loads more chloroplasts in the pallisade mesophyll cell than normal, so it must be that.

Q18:  Obviously D, lungs, because they oxygenate deoxygenated blood and pass this oxygenated blood to the pulmonary vein and into the left chamber.

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but dont the the cells in the epidermis also have loads of chloroplasts??
and the diagram in 18 doesn't show that :S it shows X receiving oxygenated blood and passing on deoxygenated blood!!


--- Quote from: Girlie45 on June 08, 2010, 11:48:52 am ---Can someone please explain to me the answer of Biology paper 1 Q2  year 2001??   ??? ??? ???

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well if you're talking abt may/june then the explanation is simple; P can't be genus or species cuz "feathers and wings" aren't part of the name. The genus is the first part of an organism's name and the first letter is uppercase (caps) and the second part of the name is the speicies and its in lowercase. so P is class. Q is the full name of the organism so it's species.
i dont have the question paper for november sorry


--- Quote from: the_grim_reaper on June 08, 2010, 12:18:22 am ---
3.5 hours???? Man take a bath for one hour with warm water and then watch a good movie :D. Don't sleep :D.....

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Oh man! This was a really good idea! (I'd have slept in the bath for sure!). Good movie? I feel Eminem songs are better :P Unfortunately I slept :-\ :P

--- Quote from: the golden girl on June 08, 2010, 07:23:29 am ---well then ......KILL the paper amigos  :D :D :D  ..lol  ::)

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^^Your trademark ;) :D Hope you did the paper well..

--- Quote from: aangel42 on June 08, 2010, 07:33:48 am ---
i like your new name lol
did you sleep???? i know this is late, but i think you should have! lol i went to bed at 1.
arghhh how was your paper? have you finished? i have a couple questions to ask  :-\  >:(

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Thank you! Yup I slept for 3hrs. Almost reached in time for the exam.. :) 1am.. I see. I cannot sleep before that! ;D

Sure I'm online

--- Quote from: CatAly$t on June 08, 2010, 07:38:43 am ---dude....have u been drinking all day??

--- Quote from: aangel42 on June 08, 2010, 07:44:34 am ---hahaha why do you ask? cuz his name's intoxication and he coincidentally stayed up all night? lol

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How did you guess? ::) :P :P joke! :D

That was the idea..

--- Quote from: Shazizzzle on June 08, 2010, 08:55:14 am ---
Oye Intoxiation, tu sharabi tau nahin hai na. :P

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Bilkul nahi!

Hope you guys did the paper well! :D

Vin ?? LOL !! You changed your name to intoxication ? :D :D :D


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