Author Topic: Road to Happiness :)  (Read 2369 times)

Offline cielo18

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Road to Happiness :)
« on: December 07, 2011, 10:19:24 pm »
The road to happiness

#1 - Seek forgiveness, say Astaghfirullah a lot with reflection
#2 - Be grateful, say Alhamdulillah a lot with reflection
#3 - Surround yourself with happy people, keep their company
# 4 - Reflect on Surah Al-Duha.
#5  - "Whoever desires everlasting bliss, let him adhere firmly to the threshold of servitude."

Elaborating #4

1- Allah swears by the early morning and the late night. The early morning is the best time to seek your rizq. The late night is the best time to worship Allah. I.E. Take action in your life.

2- Allah tells us that Allah does not detest you nor has He abandoned you. Meaning Allah will always be there for us and we can always count on Allah.

3- Allah reminds us that we were all lost and in a state of weakness and it was Allah who brought us out of that state. So don't subdue yourself to anyone other than Allah.

4- The life of this world is filled with trials and torment, the after life is filled with bliss. So always remember to strive for the life that is better.

5- In this life you will be given but you will always want more. In the hereafter Allah will give you and you will be pleased. Also, could be understood in this life that whatever you chase you will not be pleased with but whatever Allah gives and places for you then you shall.

6- Be a grateful person. Recognize the blessings of Allah and thank him for them. Use your blessings to please Allah and if you can't then at the very least don't do anything with those blessings that will displease him.

7- Speak about the blessings so that it inspires people with greatness. It inspires people to put their faith in Allah. It inspires people to be grateful. Allah knows best.

Elaborating #5
This is a quote by Ibn Al-Qayyim concluding our discussion on happiness and summarizing everything that has already been said. To truly be free you need to enslave yourself to Allah. Make your whole life a manifestation of worship. Your breathing, your drinking, your eating, your spending let each action be something that is done directly to please Allah, or at least let it be for another action that will dedicated to Allah. I.E. If you can't make your sleeping for Allah then at least let it be so that you can wake up early enough for Fajr.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 06:49:13 pm by Theodora »


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Re: Want a change? Start from here!
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2011, 12:09:05 pm »
Cielo, you posted it in the wrong thread.
This is the introduction for this board. :)

Do you wish to start another thread or you will select a thread from this board for me to merge it with?

Offline cielo18

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Re: Want a change? Start from here!
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2011, 06:46:53 pm »
Cielo, you posted it in the wrong thread.
This is the introduction for this board. :)

Do you wish to start another thread or you will select a thread from this board for me to merge it with?

soo sorry :(
..i was looking for a thread where i could post this....but i coudn't find i just posted it here...
soo sorry...

yes please you can merge it anywhere...


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Re: Road to Happiness :)
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2011, 06:49:56 pm »
Split the topic, it's fine as a new topic  :)

Enjoy and keep sharing.

Offline cielo18

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Re: Road to Happiness :)
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2011, 06:51:15 pm »
Split the topic, it's fine as a new topic  :)

Enjoy and keep sharing.

 :) :)

thank you

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Road to Happiness :)
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2011, 05:10:56 pm »
(taken from essay written by Ibn Qayyim)

1. Every night Allah, during the last part of the night, comes to the nearest heaven in a way that befits him and extends his hands and asks, is there anyone that asks me for anything and i can give them, anyone that asks for forgiveness and I can forgive him. Take advantage of this time! Allah, who is in no need of anything, and we all not need him, but depite that comes down and asks if we need anything, Allahu Akbar, take advantage of this time.

2. Allah will love you if you remember him. “I am with my servant as long as he or she remembers me” (Hadith Qudsi). Also in the Qur’an: “So remember me, and I will remember you…” [2:152]

3. Qur’an is the best way to connect with Allah and increase your love of Him so he will love you. Read the Qur’an, understand it, so you can apply it. The Qur’an was meant to humble us. Learn it, love it, live it.

4. Have good friends cause they will remind you of Allah and then Allah will love you. In Surah Kahf, there is a dog mentioned among the company of the youth that fled their town to the cave. Why is the dog mentioned? What’s a dog? But it was mentioned because of the good company. So, choose good friends so they remind you of Allah.

5. Love and be ready to meet Allah. In a Bukhari hadith, the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wasalam says “Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet them”. Are your ready to meet Allah? People who love Allah will prepare with good deeds, stay away form sinning.

6. Stay away from any barrier between us and Allah and main barrier is: sinning, it distances you from Allah. Stay away from sinning. If you do, repent repent repent. Seek Allah’s forgiveness, door is open 24/7 regardless of how bad you are.

7. Put the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wasalam, in front of you-follow his Sunnah. Love him more that you love yourself and families, and everyone on Earth. “If you claim to love Allah, follow the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wasalam, and Allah will love you and forgive your sins”.

8. Study the names and attributes of Allah. When you know He is the All-Mericful, you will never lose hope. Know that Allah is also severe is punishment, so stay away from sinning. He is As-Sami and Al-Basir- he can hear you and see you, so stay away from sinning. Study Allah’s names and attributes.

9. Develop good character and one character that Allah loves: patience. Allah stated in the Qur’an: “…And Allah loves the steadfast.” [3:146] Whatever happens to us, it is the Qadr of Allah. Be patient.

10. Reflect on this Hadith Qudsi: Allah doesn’t expect anything except the Fard, the obligatory. “But my servant consistently continues to draw closer to me through extra acts of worship until I love him”. Like giving charity beyond zakah, fasting Mondays and Thursdays, praying the night prayers.

Let’s stop claiming to love Allah. Obey Him, submit to Him, so we can deserve His love. Its the best love you can ever attain. Allahu Akbar!”

***From Dr. Reda Bedair’s lecture, Does Allah Love Us?***
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Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Road to Happiness :)
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2011, 01:07:23 pm »
The qualities of a faithful believer

O’ creatures of Allah! the most beloved of Allah is he whom Allah has given power (to act) against his passions, so that his inner side is (submerged in) grief and the outer side is covered with fear. The lamp of guidance is burning in his heart. He has provided entertainment for the day that is to befall him. He regards what is distant to be near himself and takes the hard to be light. He looks at and perceives; he remembers (Allah) and enhances (the tempo of his) actions. He drinks sweet water to whose source his way has been made easy. So he drinks to satisfaction and takes the level path. He has put off the clothes of desires and got rid of worries except one worry peculiar to him. He is safe from misguidance and the company of people who follow their passions. He has become the key to the doors of guidance, and the lock for the doors of destruction.

He has seen his way and is walking on it. He knows his pillar (of guidance) and has crossed over his deep water. He has caught hold of the most reliable supports and the strongest ropes. He is on that level of conviction which is like the brightness of the sun. He has set himself for Allah, the Glorified, for performance of the most sublime acts of facing all that befalls him and taking every step needed for it. He is the lamp in darkness. He is the dispeller of all blindness, key to the obscure, remover of complexities, and a guide in vast deserts. When he speaks he makes you understand whereas when he remains silent then it is safe to do so. He did everything only for Allah and so Allah also made him His own. Consequently, he is like the mines of His faith and as a stump in His earth. He has enjoined upon himself (to follow) justice.

The first step of his justice is the rejection of desires from his heart. He describes right and acts according to it. There is no good which he has not aimed at nor any likely place (of virtue) of the Qur’an. Therefore the Qur’an is his guide and leader. He gets down when the Qur’an puts down his weight and he settles where the Qur’an settles him down.

The Characteristics of an unfaithful believer 

While the other (kind of) man is he who calls himself learned but he is not so. He has gleaned ignorance from the ignorant and misguidance from the misguided. He has set for the people a trap (made) of the ropes of deceit and untrue speech. He takes the Qur’an according to his own views and right after his passions. He makes people feel safe from big sins and takes light the serious crimes. He says that he is waiting for (clarification of) doubts but he remains plunged therein, and that he keeps aloof from innovations but actually he is immersed in them. His shape is that of a man, but his heart is that of a beast. He does not know the door of guidance to follow nor the door of misguidance to keep aloof therefrom. These are living dead bodies.
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Re: Road to Happiness :)
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2011, 05:14:20 pm »
Allah's Messenger (S.A.W) said:

"if one says one hundred times in one day,
 'laa ilaha illallahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu, wa huwa 'ala kulli shayy'in qadeer',
{None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Alone who has no partners, to Him belongs Dominion and to Him belong all the praises, and He has power over all things}
one will receive the reward of manimutting ten slaves and 100 good deeds will be written in his account and 100 bad deeds will be erased from his account, and on that day he will be protected from morning till evening from the satan, and noone will be superior to him except one who has done more than that which he has done."

[Bukhari book: 54 No. 514]

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Road to Happiness :)
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2012, 03:46:39 pm »
Mu’min and Sabr
By: Tallal Ali Turfe

Patience is a virtue I‘ll try to explain
A blessing in disguise always to remain
From very deep inside the well of my heart
Peace of body and mind and will to start
I’m summoned by a call at the dawn of the day
Just giving thanks to Him as I kneel to pray
Endurance is my counsel and faith my guide
The door is open to the struggle inside
With knowledge of certainty, I now can see
The reality of truth, plain as can be
It is charity that gives meaning to life
From love of my caring in times of strife
Piety and wisdom help me through the day
But always I’ll return to kneel and pray
For it is patience, the essence of my goal
That lightens and gives meaning to my soul.
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