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Outcomes of GG's Boredom =D
The Golden Girl =D:
I did it when I was at "a friend's house" , is that "School" ? I guess Not :P
--- Quote from: Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan on December 15, 2011, 07:25:18 pm ---I did it when I was at "a friend's house" , is that "School" ? I guess Not :P
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Roohi Teeri...-,-
You were probably studying there :P :P :P :P :P
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: ~MujtabaM on December 16, 2011, 04:57:50 am ---Roohi Teeri...-,-
You were probably studying there :P :P :P :P :P
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You can never admit defeat ::) I WON XD
If you're talking about whether I have a HUGE Appetite (like someone called banna) or not ? then my answer is I do but I ate cake and MacDonald specifically a cheese Burger ohh and 7-up. I eat FOOD not PAPER unlike some people 8)
--- Quote from: Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan on December 16, 2011, 10:16:17 am ---You can never admit defeat ::) I WON XD
If you're talking about whether I have a HUGE Appetite (like someone called banna) or not ? then my answer is I do but I ate cake and MacDonald specifically a cheese Burger ohh and 7-up. I eat FOOD not PAPER unlike some people 8)
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Pffft yeah right...I only admit defeat when I'm DEFEATED...and this was not the time :P >:D
Paper and food are both from trees 8)
The Golden Girl =D:
aha as if ::)
It seems you're Stomach is SO FULL from eating ALL your FOODPapers, that you you're brain is too tired to notice that a BURGER has MEAT in it not just veggies ::)
"we're spamming this thread so let's continue this {GG DEFEATING Banna convo} via PMs :P "
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