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Outcomes of GG's Boredom =D

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--- Quote from: Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan on December 16, 2011, 10:22:40 am ---aha as if ::)

It seems you're  Stomach is SO FULL from eating ALL your FOODPapers, that you you're brain is too tired to notice that a BURGER has MEAT in it not just veggies  ::)


"we're spamming this thread so let's continue this {GG DEFEATING Banna convo} via PMs :P "

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A burger has no meat, ya old-fashioned alien GG. It has a blue paper between 2 fluffy sponges with some guey sauce  8)

Nah neverrrrrrrrrrrrrr...that way no one will know how elegantly I defeated yuh  ;D 8) >:D O0 ;D

The Golden Girl =D:

--- Quote from: ~MujtabaM on December 16, 2011, 10:25:42 am ---A burger has no meat, ya old-fashioned alien GG. It has a blue paper between 2 fluffy sponges with some guey sauce  8)

Nah neverrrrrrrrrrrrrr...that way no one will know how elegantly I defeated yuh  ;D 8) >:D O0 ;D

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Ohh really ?  it seems not only is your stomach ABNORMAL but your eyes are WORN OUT TOO O.O .. Why don't you go to the nearest McDonald and order a  BURGER and THEN You can TALK BACK at THE GG 8) cuz it seems you're The one whose OLD-FASHIONED ALIEN (from Venus to be specific)  ::)

Bring it on =D


--- Quote from: Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan on December 16, 2011, 10:29:10 am ---Ohh really ?  it seems not only is your stomach ABNORMAL but your eyes are WORN OUT TOO O.O .. Why don't you go to the nearest McDonald and order a  BURGER and THEN You can TALK BACK at THE GG 8) cuz it seems you're The one whose OLD-FASHIONED ALIEN (from Venus to be specific)  ::)

Bring it on =D

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I ordered a customized Mc burger...I call it the McMuj  8) all I say is true ;D

Star xD:
This thread made me LOL! ;D


--- Quote from: Kate Beckett on December 16, 2011, 10:39:53 am ---This thread made me LOL! ;D

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Thanks to me  :P...and so to show your gratitude, we must team up and defeat GG  8) ;D


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